
Originally, exchanges were an opportunity for local dancers to welcome dancers from elsewhere into their homes.
We do our best to put in touch the participants who offer to host people, and those who are looking for a bed, a sofa, a place for a sleeping bag. Whether you have a bed to offer or are looking for one, you can fill in on the registration form. Fingers crossed that there's something for everyone :-)


We also recommend the following hotels:

- Hotel Nadaud, 8 rue de Bidassoa, Paris 20th:
10 minutes from Saturday night and not far from Sunday night parties. We've been working with the Hotel Nadaud for years, and the entire team will welcome you with enthusiasm and professionalism. The hotel offers us a preferential rate of 115€/night for all room types. Tourist tax is 3.25€/night/person. Breakfast is €10. When you book your room at the Hotel Nadaud, please specify that you are coming for the Blues dance workshop.

Further hotel information and contact: https://www.nadaud-hotel.com/


- Hotel de l'Horloge, 25 passage de Ménilmontant Paris 11e :
These are small furnished studios or duplexes in a quiet alley 15/20 min walk from the dance halls. We do not have a price agreement.

More information on the hotel: https://www.hotelhorloge.fr/


- Hotel Panam, 208 Rue des Pyrénées, Paris 20e :

10 minutes from the dance halls. Small, simple but clean hotel with a warm welcome. If you book a single room ask for a room overlooking the courtyard. The double rooms are on the street, but the soundproofing is good.
More information about the hotel: https://www.panamhotel.fr